Google Ads offers various bidding strategies that you can choose based on your campaign

 Google Ads offers various bidding strategies that you can choose based on your campaign goals and objectives. Here are some of the common bidding strategies available:

1. Manual CPC (Cost-Per-Click): With Manual CPC, you manually set the maximum amount you're willing to pay for each click on your ads. This strategy provides you with full control over your bids and allows you to adjust them at the keyword or ad group level.

2. Enhanced CPC (ECPC): Enhanced CPC is an automated bidding strategy that adjusts your manual bids in real-time based on the likelihood of a conversion. It increases bids for clicks that are more likely to lead to conversions and decreases bids for less likely conversions.

3. Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition): Target CPA is a bidding strategy that focuses on getting as many conversions as possible while maintaining a specific target cost per acquisition. You set a target CPA, and Google Ads automatically adjusts your bids to try to achieve that cost for each conversion.

4. Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): Target ROAS is a bidding strategy that aims to maximize your return on ad spend. You set a target ROAS, which is the amount of revenue you want to generate for each dollar spent on advertising. Google Ads automatically adjusts your bids to achieve that target.

5. Maximize Conversions: This bidding strategy is designed to maximize the number of conversions within your given budget. Google Ads automatically sets your bids to get you as many conversions as possible while spending your entire budget.

6. Maximize Clicks: With this strategy, Google Ads automatically sets your bids to get as many clicks as possible within your budget. It's ideal if your primary goal is to drive traffic to your website rather than focusing on conversions.

7. Target Impression Share: This bidding strategy is focused on maximizing your ad's visibility on the search results page. You set a target impression share, and Google Ads adjusts your bids to help your ads appear in a certain percentage of eligible ad auctions.

8. Manual CPM (Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions): With Manual CPM, you set the maximum amount you're willing to pay for 1,000 ad impressions. This strategy is commonly used in Display Network campaigns when you want to increase brand awareness and reach.

It's important to note that not all bidding strategies are available for every campaign type or objective. When selecting a bidding strategy, consider your campaign goals, budget, and the level of control you want over your bids. It's also recommended to monitor and adjust your bidding strategy based on performance data to optimize your campaign's results.


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